
We are a non-profit association of Spanish scientists working in Estonian research institutions. If you are a Spanish scientist working in Estonia, join us by writing to info@acee.ee.

Our general aim is to promote science, research and innovation relations between Estonia and Spain through the organization of events targeted to the general public, together with social media campaigns. 

We aim to

serve as a professional network for Spanish scientists, researchers and research fund managers living in Estonia

facilitate the establishment and the professional and personal integration of Spanish scientists, researchers and research fund managers in Estonia

promote professional relations between members of the Spanish and Estonian scientific communities and the institutions in which they are involved

foster communication between foundations, universities, research centres and similar institutions in Spain and Estonia, as well as to promote the integration and connection of Spanish research and science in Estonia with the Spanish and Estonian business and labour world

make Spanish society and institutions aware of the importance of the R&D&I system for the development of Spain and to promote knowledge of the Estonian knowledge and science model in Spain