Performance, for the first time in Spanish, of the play “Werewolf”

Performance, for the first time in Spanish, of the play “Werewolf” by the Estonian writer August Kitzberg by the theatre group SAPERE AUDE on 22 January 2023 at the Karlova Theatre in Tartu (Estonia).

SAPERE AUDE is a heterogeneous group in age and nationality that includes Spanish speakers who love theatre and culture and students of Spanish, offering a space in which to learn the Spanish language in a more creative way, away from the restrictions of the classroom. The group premiered its first play in May 2022. In 2023 the adventure continued and the group set a more challenging goal: to translate and perform an Estonian play in Spanish. The Estonian girls in the group chose and translated Libahunt by August Kitzberg, a play that, despite having been written more than a century ago, deals with themes that are still very much alive today: distrust of what is foreign, contempt for what is different and attachment to customs and superstitions, however irrational they may be.