Call for Research Visits to Estonia

Building European Bridges in Research, Development and Innovation

Thanks to the support of the Ramón Areces Foundation, we are reopening the call for research visits for Spanish researchers or those working at Spanish institutions to visit institutions in Estonia. The visit must take place between August 2024 and April 2025. Below are the requirements for participation and the necessary documentation for the application, which must be sent to before July 31, 2024.

Requirements for participation:

  • Nationality and affiliation: Be a Spanish researcher or work at a Spanish institution.
  • Host in Estonia: Have an ACEE member act as a host during the visit. For advice on possible hosts, write to us.
  • Outreach talk: Selected researchers must give an outreach talk during their visit.
  • Visit dates: The proposed visit must take place between August 2024 and April 2025.

Required documentation for the application:

  • Host’s name and email: Provide the contact information of the ACEE member who will act as a host.
  • Scientific program of the visit: A document describing the objective and planned scientific activities for the visit (maximum 1 page).
  • Travel program: Include the proposed dates, flight details, and accommodation. Funding will cover up to a maximum of 1300 euros.
  • Tentative title and summary of the research talk: Provide a title and a brief summary of the outreach talk to be presented during the visit.
  • CV of the applicant: Curriculum Vitae of the applying researcher.